How do you manage your lighting today?
Forget about stacks of paper and manual processes!
With SITECO and sixData, you can manage everything centrally. Via a single user interface. Easy and intuitive. The solution for managing your operations – manage, control, maintain and service.
luxData: one solution for your entire community.
Tomorrow’s municipal administration involves more than just a registry.
The demands on municipal administration are growing every day: saving energy, reducing CO2 emissions, protecting insects, digitalizing management, increasing efficiency and at the same time ensuring smooth operation around the clock.
Our solution: luxData.easy brings the future of operational management to your town or city today. And management is just the beginning. Commissioning and docum entation of any work automates your processes. Cross-vendor control and monitoring your lighting makes you future-proof. You can even leave the maintaining and servicing to us to fully focus on your core business. luxData is the solution. For managing your entire lighting and all other objects in your town or city.
Let's get started today!
Together we will define the management of the future for your community.
Your path to the administration of the future.
Use our modular service and choose what is useful for you. How much work can we save you?
For more information just click on the red buttons!

Set up software and use what’s there.
We create an overall picture of all infrastructure elements in your town or city. After setting up the software, we import existing data where it makes sense. The data import works in a simple and uncomplicated way. The web-based user interface is simple to use and can be adapted individually; the layout is based on the familiar Excel structure. All details are additionally replicated in the clearly laid out map view.
Registry survey on site.
Your existing system is the basis for a professional registry. If digital data is not yet available, we carry out an on-site survey of everything: with 2 cm precision, luminaire type and mast type. If you like, we can also check the condition. Additional municipal infrastructure elements complete the overall picture, providing the perfect basis for forwardlooking management!
Integrate partners.
You work as a team and integrate employees and partners. For example, you can engage electricians directly. The app is available to all and ensures that everyone’s data is up to date can be documented live. On request, we can handle commissioning and documentation for you.
Set up a network for monitoring and control.
Regardless of manufacturer, you can control all lighting using a single user interface. Is everything working? Once networked, we monitor your lighting. Are there malfunctions at present? With luxData.easy, errors to be recorded, resolved and documented professionally.
Operational management made easy.
Maintenance intervals can be defined and managed with ease via in luxData.easy. This ensures smooth everyday operation. And as soon as a fault is reported, the system arranges for a service team to resolve it. The infrastructure is therefore always ready to use with no major delays.
Identify energy-saving potential.
The control system permanently provides you with precise information in everyday operation. Also on your power consumption. This allows you to identify and use savings potential. If desired, we can offer you recommended options for refurbishing your lighting.