Sports field lighting

Sports fields

School sports today, badminton tournament tomorrow.

Whether football, athletics or field hockey: athletes and spectators, as well as local residents, demand optimal visibility without glare.

Planning example with Floodlight FL 11

Planning example for the lighting of a sports  field

Sports field details
Area: 105 × 68 m (7,140 m²)
Mounting height: 16 m
6-mast system
Distance between masts: X = 52.5 m / Y = 74.0 m


Normative requirements

Table showing the normative requirements for the lighting of sports fields

Order list for planning example

Quantity Description Order no.
4 Floodlight FL 11 maxi pro, floodlight, PL33T, asymmetric distribution 5XA779125T01AB
2 Floodlight FL 11 maxi pro, floodlight, PL64, asymmetric distribution 5XA779125V01AB
6 Cable junction box, for 3 cables up to 5x 16mm², with surge protection 2x E14 5NY70062DK

Additional planning information

Pay attention to these aspects:

  • At least 75 lx for simple competitions, training, school or leisure sports.
  • 200 lx for intermediate competition & performance training.
  • 500 lx for high-performance competitions and training.
  • Use luminaires with good glare control.
  • High-mounted luminaires prevent glare when the ball is in play.