Lighting in a classroom


Full concentration without fatigue.

Good light promotes focused studying and supports the biorhythm.

Planning example with Silica 21

Planning example for the lighting of a typical classroom

Room details
Room area: 8.8 × 7.2 m (63.4 m²)
Mounting height: 3 m


Normative requirements

Table of normative requirements for the lighting of a classroom

Order list for planning example

Quantity Description Order no.
8 Silica® 21, wide distribution, ELDACON® L, darklight reflector, white, Light colour 840, UGR ≤ 19, DALI 2, traffic white (RAL 9016) 51MX26DA44WB
2 Silica® 21,  wallwasher, ELDACON® L, darklight reflector, white, Light colour 840, UGR ≤ 19, DALI 2, traffic white (RAL 9016) 51MX27DB45WB
9 Wire suspension with ceiling canopy, with ceiling canopy, white, round, with connection cable 59MX30DJ20W
1 Wire suspension with ceiling sleeve, with ceiling sleeve 59MX300020X
1 Connector 59MX700V40X
1 Through-wiring, L= 1,5m 59MX70DL20X
2 Silica® 21, sensor module PC3-S, traffic white (RAL 9016) 59MX2CD000WA
3 DALI2push button interface, slave (for connection to a DALI-2 system) 5LZ904731A


Additional planning information

Pay attention to these aspects:

  • Direct and indirect light for uniform illumination and as a basis for biological light (HCLlive).
  • Uniformly good lighting conditions allow flexible use of the space.
  • Adjustable light colors (2,700 K – 6,500 K) adapt to the course of daylight.
  • Board lighting: Uniform, separately switchable and dimmable.