Administrative offices lighting

Administrative offices

You need good light for good work.

Optimal light promotes concentration, motivation, well-being and health.

Planning example with Silica 21

Planning example for the lighting of an administrative office

Room details
Room area: 5.5 × 5.2 m (28.6 m²)
Mounting height: 2.8 m


Normative requirements

Table showing the normative requirements for the lighting of administrative offices

Order list for planning example

Quantity Description Order no.
4 Silica® 21, wide distribution, ELDACON® L, darklight reflector, white, Light colour 840, UGR ≤ 19, DALI 2, traffic white (RAL 9016) 51MX36DB49WB
4 wire suspension with ceiling canopy, with ceiling canopy, white, round, with connection cable 59MX30DJ20W
2 Silica® 21, sensor module PC3-S, traffic white (RAL 9016) 59MX2CD000WA
1 DALI2 push button interface, slave (for connection to a DALI-2 system) 5LZ904731A

Additional planning information

Pay attention to these aspects:

  • VDU workstations: Use luminaires with good contrast rendering and optimum glare control.
  • Direct and indirect lighting provide uniform light and support biological light (HCLlive).
  • Adjustable light colors (2,700–6,500 K) support circadian rhythm, performance and well-being.
  • Individually adaptable light caters to different needs.
  • Lighting scenes allow easy adjustment to different requirements.