Radical energy savings with LED and dimming concept.
Erlangen is re-equipping - consistently in the spirit of sustainable urban development. In future, two pillars will be used for refurbishment and new construction measures: Modern LED technology and a dimming concept that aims to significantly reduce energy consumption even further.
The avenue at Röthelheimpark is a pioneer in terms of conversion and dimming: Streetlight SL 11 iQ midi luminaires have been shining there since this year - and thanks to Erlangen's dimming concept, they provide the necessary personal and traffic safety as well as drastic savings.
70% savings during the night
thanks to a traffic-dependent dimming concept.
Thanks to the traffic-dependent lighting concept, Erlangen expects to save another 70 % of energy at night in addition to converting to energy-efficient LED technology. And the environment also benefits. In addition to noticeable savings, the new luminaires also reduce light pollution. This is good news for the local animal and insect population. A real gain for Erlangen!
Project details
SITECO Streetlight SL 11 iQ midi (double bracket) illuminates the avenue harmoniously and uniformly
- All luminaires are integrated into luxData; the operational management can therefore be managed centrally from a single interface
What exactly is luxData? Learn more
- Dimming concept in two stages
- Dimming level I / 8.00 pm - 11.00 pm: the light is dimmed to 70%.
- Dimming level II / 11.00 pm - 05.00 am: The light is dimmed to 30%.
- Traffic and personal safety is guaranteed at all times